The Snodgrass :: Destiny's Child [2002-05-02]

Destiny's Child "This is the Remix" (Shitty Major Label That I Won't Bother Mentioning)
Remember when remixes were nothing more than the same ol' song with a wackier, more electronic-y beat? Remember records like the Cure's "Mixed Up," where the songs were identical to the original versions 'sides a lil' electro tampering? Remember waaay back when, before punk rock remixes got popular and folks like Kid 606, The Snodgrass and Sinking Body began turning remixed songs into entirely different creatures, unrecognizable 'cept in the title credits? This album is a blast back to those times. "This is the Remix" smells like cash spirit and, more so, it reeks of the desire to knock off an easy record real quick to make a load of bank, and satisfy the fans who are by now wondering "WHERE THE FUCK IS BEYONCE AND WHY HASN'T HOMEGIRL GIVEN US A NEW RECORD IN ... GOD I DUNNO HOW FUCKIN' LONG!?" I think I'm getting sick. This crap makes me sick. 1990s throwback remixes make me sick. Wyclef yelling "This is tha remix! This is tha remix!" makes me sick. Greedy emcees make me sick. The fact that this record killed all the love I had for Destiny's Child makes me sick. Lil' Bow Wow and Da Brat Tat Tat Tat make me sick. "This is the Remix" is straight up dumpster-bound.

--Adam Gnade, Anti-Complacency features editor

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