The third and final release of a CD trilogy presented by the folks in Aspects of Physics. Unfortunately we were not exposed to the previous two albums so we cannot compare and/or contrast between the three. The players on this CD are Jason Soares, Brent Asbury, JFRE Coad, Mathias Lorenz, Art Ulloa, Brandon Relf, and Rob Crow. Marginalized Information Forms Three: Other presents ten compositions, most of which are lengthy and spontaneous. These tracks combine elements from 1970s progressive rock with improvisational jazz and free-form electronics and hypnotic guitar riffs. All of the tracks are instrumentals. This is the kind of album that grows on you over time. We found that we had to spin this l'il sucker about half a dozen times before the music began to sink in. It's kinda like...modern mood music with jazzy undercurrents. Nice solid cuts include "Default Actions," "Level 3," "That Which Resists," and "Unwindings are Sound." Cool modern progressive stuff with a twist. (Rating: 5+)