Pleaseeasaur :: Beef Flavored Island


PLEASEEASAUR-BEEF FLAVORED ISLAND CD EP Pleaseeasaur…Do they Rock? No. Are they funny? Yes. I’d say they are funnier than Z-Rock Hawaii anyway… So I’m sitting here eating Dinty Moore Beef Stew and I’m trying to compare this to all the other funny-rock bands - It’s better than a lot of Dead Milkmen stuff, but not as funny as that song about the pork sausages and the maggot farm…it’s funnier than every Bongwater song I can think of, it’s funnier than a lot of King Missile, but not funnier than the song about having too many socks, that song cracks me up every time. It’s not as funny as when Nick Cave starts singing about how much he loves God, but then, what is…?

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