This record might come as an unwelcome suprise to kids expecting Physics-esque post-rock sprawl. See, before Aspects of Physics there was Physics, who went for more of a straightforward Chicago-style jam thing than A.O.P.'s blitzkrieg skronk. Where Physics chimed and thumped along with tribal-ish repetition, A.O.P. skates from druggy I.D.M. sound-scaping to spazzo Nintendo synthetics to electronic-distortion-addled subversion. Live, Physics was any number of dred-headed, bearded indie rockers totting three or more guitars, two keyboard players, a drummer or two, and various guest players. A.O.P., however, is a far simpler, two-man shebang and, in turn, departs from the indulgence that Physics occasionally lived in sin with. But enough comparisons, A.O.P. is its own band and only slightly pushed by nepotism. This is the next level, and while it may leave some Physics fans scratching their heads, it's a big artistic step, and I look forward to seeing where this noise will go.
--Adam Gnade