Aspects of Physics :: Systems Of Social Recalibration Review

Rockpile Vol. VIII No. 9 [2002-09-01]

Rating: 4 stars
On the Aspects of Physics website, the band declares in the future it intends to release all of its music for free via a compressed format. This is definitely not something to win you any music industry popularity contests, but then again, it seems being unconventional is Aspects Of Physics' modus operandi. Along with bands like The Spacewurm and The Locust, AOP is part of a group of avant-garde, experimental San Diego bands preferring to push the envelope rather than go with the norm. On its new album, Systems Of Social Recalibration, AOP takes listeners on a spaced-out ride through 21st century circuitry, with subtle detours through kraut rock, ambiance and the works of Brian Eno. Post-post rock for the spaced-out headphone set.

--Jonathan Cholewa

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