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record releasing info stuff.

posted by: d, November 28th, 2000

diagram of suburban chaos' (dovsc's) recerd is in z final stages -- eek... we decided that it needs to be 16 tracks instead of 13 - the plan is to press it on CD, and if the demand is quite high for the vinyl, we will press that, but there are already plans for a post "status negatives" dovsc 12 inch, with new material not on full length CD-- back to the status of status - dovsc has to get z last track wired 1058 miles to me, for the final mastering - then the album goes to the pressing plant -- then we get copies, then z publicist (our boy frank - who was the publicist for bogdan raczynski's first album, and some other rephlexers, and some ninja tuners -- he also helped work OK Computer) works that shit, and gets our boy diagram some press - the street date for the diagram is SPRING 2001

oh yeah, the plastiq phantom LP "enjoy the art of lying down" comes out on Sweet Mother Recordings Feburary 2001 in association with imputor? distributed in Japan, Europe, New Zealand, and the states...and then some... xoxo, d.