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ok kids, some nice news today. plastiq phantom will be performing at bumbershoot this
year, and hangar, and and will be up for the show, so there we will debut the first ever
live performance by calculator man and hangar. this will kick ass... the show is monday
september 4th (labor day) @ 7pm at the bumberclub within the $12 a day bumbershoot
festival... Come check out our friends/fans modest mouse, who are also playing the
festival... has all the info.
status on our upcoming releases:
diagram of suburban chaos, halicon, and the snodgrass are all hard at work on
their records. dovsc is pretty much done with his, so all we have to do is pick the
order and press the fuckers. We are hearing less and less from dovsc...what is
going on here? halicon is hard at work in ohio chasing chickens with logs and
spatulas. the snodgrass is almost done with his debut thingee... it is gonna kick