
Dalmatians No Bio.

  • Yellow Brick Road: Howl bark arrf arf yap
  • Gang Affiliations: Woof woof bark bark arrf
  • Favorite Salad Dressing: Meow bark bark
  • Undergarment of Choice: Arff arff yapp yapp howl
  • Total Stitches Lifetime: Owuuu arff arff

Buy/Stream/Download Dalmatians Jamz?::..:.


Dalmatians Releases?::..:.

Cover Art
Pop/Rock Ruff Drafts Album (2004)

Dalmatians On The Internets?::..:.

Dalmatians Press:

Source Article
Fickle Cycle Why The Dalmatians are the Best Band to come out of Seattle
February 9, 2008
Seattle Weekly Two CDs' worth of the year's best local tracks.
January 4, 2005
Seattle Weekly Dalmations
December 1, 2004
Sonic Boom Records Pop/Rock Ruff Drafts Album Review
September 15, 2004
The Stranger (Seattle) Pop/Rock Ruff Drafts Review
September 2, 2004